Lopees Organic Cotton Reusable Envelopes

Hi and Welcome to Lopees Reusable envelopes Blog. We sell Organic Cotton Resuable Envelopes made in India under a fair trade system to eliminate the use of paper envelope use is school, offices and Organisations. We also do custom made Organic Cotton and Jute shopping bags, to eliminate the use of plastic bags.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Custom made bags.

As the world is becoming more sustainable last year our Company started providing Organisations with custom made bags.

Reusable bags are another way that Companies can reduce their footprint by not using plastic bags and a great way to promote their business or Organisation at the same time.
These bags can be made from organic or natural cotton and Jute, made under Fair Trade.
Our company can help design any bags for the client needs.
We have provided Ceres Fair Food with their own designed Jute shopping bags which have Long handles so their customers can unpack and carry their fruit and vegetable boxers. These bags are very durable and strong.
Another Company we provided custom made bags to was a organisation called Plan Big. The client was very pleased and this is what they had to say "Thank you for the bags, they were perfect everybody loved them"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our First International Sale

Back in April 2010 I received a email from a lady in Spain her name was Christine. She worked at hotel Villas. They were looking at something to put their keys in when the customers need to return them to the office, something that was secure and could not see through. As she looked on the Internet she came across our site and thought our Lopees were perfect for them. I sent her a sample and once viewing them she ordered 30 NSP Lopees and this is what she had to say about Lopees.

Hello Nicole:
at last we are a little less busy. Not so many tourists here now - but weather is always lovely in September.

I attach a photo of my sister Julie and I holding our Lopees and with the village of Salobreña behind. It is a very beautiful place to visit and we have some villas with lovely views. The lopees are working well with the key drop offs.

Thank you for your service.
We wish you well with your business.

Kind regards, Christine

Another wonderful way on using our Lopees. The uses are endless.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Many Uses for our Organic Cotton CD Bags

When we first started Lopees our Director Peter went to India to work with our Manufacturer to design our new range of envelopes. When he came back with the samples there was a sample for a CD/Book bag. We thought great this must be part of our range, perfect size for most books and many other uses (I use mine when travelling for my toiletries).

Over the past two years since we have had our CD bag in stock we have sold it to people for a number of things Martha Goes Green which is a vegetarian cook book packaged in our book bag, men wanting to put there little gadgets in, books of course (never have a ripped book again!!)

Though this week we had a order from a well known Restaurant buying our bags to serve their bread in to serve to the customers. They have ordered from us before and have really got onto the idea. They now have them in their three Restaurants.
I am amazed at what our products get used for and very delighted that they have any uses.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Great Fathers Gift Idea
Here is a great idea for a School Fundraiser for Fathers Day and Christmas stalls for the children to purchase for gifts. By purchasing a plain shopping bag the children can personally decorate it and the school could provide the fabric textas/paints for the children to draw on their bags. The cost of the plain bag is $2.50 so the fundraising committee could charge the parents $4.00 - $5.00 for each bag, making a good profit for the school. What Dad or Grandfather would not love a personalized shopping bag from their child while at the same time doing something to help the Environment. They will keep it for years.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lopees Wins Australian Business Awards 2010 for Environmental Sustainability

We are very pleased to announce that we have won the Australian Business Awards 2010 for Environmental Sustainability. Lopees is recognised for its commitment to the enhancement, preservation and protection of the environment and honours its professional contributions to the industry as a whole. We were also finialist in Australian Business Awards for Best Eco-Friendly Product 2010.


Nicole is also a finalist for Connect2Mums - The AusMumpreneur Awards for Best Eco - Friendly Business. The awards takes place at a glamourous Awards dinner at Rydges, South
bank, Brisbane on Saturday 31 July. These awards are the only events of their kind in Australia and will be officially opened by Hon Karen Struthers MP the Minister for Women.
For more information on the the AusMumpreneur Awards visit: www.connect2mums.com.au or email connect2mums@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Welcome to Lopees First Blog Post. We are only new at this blogging and I am hoping that doing a blog I can post about the things that Lopees stand for which is protecting the Environment, saving on paper and educating the children (and Adults also) on how we can do little things that can add up to be a big difference.

I also would like to write about other products and services I have come across that also help achieve the things that Lopees is wanting to achieve. I would love to hear from anyone who has a product or service that does just that, or of any markets, conferences or events that also help us to protect our precious environment.